Find Relaxation and Stress-Relief at Lavender Retreat

Lavender Retreat offers a wide variety of traditional spa services, as well as some additional wellness therapies, and if you can clear an hour or so on your schedule, regulars at this DC spa say that a visit is well worth your time. Massage sessions come in a dozen different varieties, and facials help to address just about any skin issue. You can also schedule an appointment for acupuncture therapy, try a session with a naturopathic health practitioner, or meet with a nutrition consultant to ensure that your diet is as healthy and nourishing as possible.
Whether you’re looking for stress relief, top-notch skin care, or alternative wellness therapies, this place should have something to meet your needs. Interested? Simply head to the website and book your appointment online (you can even pay online so that you don’t need to stop at the desk at all on your way out).